Everything you need to know about getting started with freelancing!



Nov 5, 2020

Ladies, one in every five Indian freelancers is a woman. According to a study by global digital payment services firm Payoneer, most women in India freelance for online marketplaces, with a major chunk of their clients based out of the United States and with average work times of 2-2.5 hours.

Freelancing allows us to use our knowledge and skills while we make money and stay independent. Sometimes this is tough, but being prepared is important. Today, let’s talk about exactly EVERYTHING you’ll ever need to know before you dive into the world of freelancing.

1. Don’t look at freelance work as a one-time project.

Back in the day (a few years ago, literally) smaller businesses hired freelancers for short-terms on a project basis because it was more economical and easier to manage. But that’s not enough for you. You need to make sure that there’s a continuous inflow of funds, and so you should keep your options open, take on projects from multiple clients and keep things in the pipeline.

2. Think beyond local. Step out of that comfort zone.

The world is your playground! We are all afraid of things we don’t know. But major projects could just be beyond your locality. With the internet and work from home right now, you can pick up work from just about anywhere.

3. It’s okay to be rejected!

There are so many people competing for the same job. We know, it’s tough. Sometimes things feel like they’re right there, and then they’re not. Don’t lose hope in such a scenario. Look at alternatives and remember, a rejection doesn’t define your worth as a freelancer!

4. Find your tribe.

It's important to have a community to fall back on for support. Since freelancing is so competitive, a lot of times, projects are gotten by word of mouth. Letting your network know that you’re open to work, might just help you a long way! You can even find like-minded women on the Basis app!

5. Highlight what you’re good at.

You need to talk about what you’re kickass at! That’s what will make you stand out and build that brand. A good start is by building a strong portfolio for yourself. This gives potential employers a sense of what you can pick up and what’s your personal style. Keep your portfolio online so that it’s easily accessible to anyone who is interested in hiring you.

6. Documentation is key.

Organise yourself. Your projects, your work, timelines. You need to do this, so you can make sure that things are in place, and you don’t have to scramble with deadlines at the last moment. Another thing that you’ll be able to do, is to communicate in advance. If you have things written out, you’ll be able to check clashing deadlines, potential conflicts and avoid them instead of being caught off-guard!Now that you’re all set, go out there and show the world what you’re made of!

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Building a brighter financial

future for women

Tower 2/3B, SNN Clermont, Nagwara, Bengaluru 560032