A sharper, smarter, better Basis. Your user experience just got upgraded!



Jun 16, 2020

We all love something special. Remember when the iPod came up with this option where you could get your name etched on the back of your device? Or when Henry Ford said, “You can have it in any colour you like, as long as it’s black."

Or even this advertisement from Volkswagen

So, what do all these represent?

To me, they scream of the need for personalisation. The reason we love something, is because it looks different from anything we’ve ever seen.

But when we adore uniqueness in design, food, clothing and electronics, why not take it a step further with your financial decision-making as well? The truth is, when it comes to money, we all need a different approach to manage it. What works for you, might not work for me. And this stems from so many factors, right from our upbringing, beliefs and learnings, to even the savings options we’ve been exposed to.

How do we make an experience that is personal to you?

Here’s where our plan came into play. Allowing you to choose what you want to choose!

We all love options, and giving you access to choose what you want and ignore the things you don’t need.

This journey too, began on similar lines. We started by actioning tasks backwards. All of us in the team, started by answering questions like

Where am I? - Getting the user to know where they can begin their journey and defining that starting point.

What can I do? - Allowing for greater discovery of content and community within the product.

Where can I go? - After you’ve chosen your path, what more can the product do for you?

In our attempt to begin the personalisation journey, we had to break down the categories that would help you discover content that you truly care about.

Now, you can select topics and categories that are most relevant to you, and we'll personalise the content and community feed you see in the Basis app. You can learn and discuss topics that you truly care about, Basis, just the way you like it.

You can now choose between an array of topics such as Investments, Tax Saving, Life Insurance, Health Insurance, Career, Retirement, Negotiation, Budgeting, Entrepreneurship or simply, Financial News.

After we solved these questions, we came up with the personalised feed. Now you can choose specifically what you’re interested in, and be shown the content that you would like to see.

What’s more, now you can also become a part of the larger community that discusses topics that are relevant to you, through the Circles inside the Basis app.

In the end, we’d like to just say - Welcome to a whole new experience, tailor made to perfection!

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Building a brighter financial

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Tower 2/3B, SNN Clermont, Nagwara, Bengaluru 560032