7 Reasons why you should work even if you don’t need the money 👷🏽‍♀️



Feb 22, 2019

And it happened again.

Randomly an acquaintance of mine asked me, “So, your husband runs this huge business, what is the need for you to slog like this?” Her tone was almost sympathetic.

I almost opened my mouth to quote a quote, “ When a woman works hard, a man with money is a bonus, not a ladder to upgrade,” but I turned away choosing not to answer the question.

Funny. Men never get to answer such questions. It is a woman’s privilege. To be damned if you do, damned if you don’t do.

Working for some is a personal choice, while for others it is a necessity. What money brings on the table to each one of us is quite relative. At the core level, it denotes freedom. To live the life you want, sans any compromises. It means a lot more too if you could pin it down in terms of specific points.

So here it is.

I would always prefer to work, though I don’t need the money because,

  1. It is simply empowering: Never underestimate the power of financial freedom. The confidence it gives you to stick to your choices and make decisions independently is unbeatable.

  2. It gives you an assertive voice: Earning your own money gives you that power to be on equal grounds in the family. It becomes a level playing field where your voice is equally heard. Now, what can be more soul-satisfying than that?

  3. It is more than just earning money: While money is the major carrot you get, the learning and the experience supersedes the money any given day. Be it time management skills, networking or negotiating skills, working makes you life ready. Always.

  4. Marriage/Divorce/Death happens: Whether it is buying your favourite Sabyasachi Lehenga for your wedding, or having the courage to say NO to a bad marriage or to just picking up the pieces in the event of loss of a spouse, financial independence is that strength which will never let you down.

  5. Children are a huge responsibility: One look at the fees at a decent school near you, you know what I am talking about. Not to forget, the premium cost of living ( birthdays, clothes, gifts, holidays) associated with them. Extra money always, always helps.

  6. You get to save more: With double income, you get to save more, invest more and use that money wisely, because life happens, sometimes in a planned way, sometimes vice versa. The motto should be “Be Prepared.”

  7. Monetizing your passion is fun! Even if you think you don’t need the money, then instead of just taking up ‘a job’ you turn to your passion and make it your work. Be it singing, dancing, art, sports, whatever you name it, giving it a direction and turning it into a profession, will make it more meaningful and fun too. Work becomes your playground then.

Working more often is never only about money. When you find ways to pursue whatever you choose to, you will find the true meaning and a purpose to your life. Money is the by-product you get as a result of this.

So the next time, when you are posed with the same situation as the above, you just have to smile and answer,

“Because I chose to…”

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Building a brighter financial

future for women

Tower 2/3B, SNN Clermont, Nagwara, Bengaluru 560032